Forums - most under rated character in mvc2 ???? Show all 67 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- most under rated character in mvc2 ???? ( Posted by LegionTyphoonTempest on 03:01:2001 08:28 AM: Jin Gambit Zangief Amingo Tron Bonne Venom Or whoever? Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 03:01:2001 08:35 AM: megaman, and i think ryu and ken, no body likes then in mvc2 oh JIN as well Posted by Cait Sith11 on 03:01:2001 08:45 AM: Servbot for god sakes, and don't cursing at me. Because it my opinion. sigh...... --------------------------- Also or Formerly known as Septmed Occupation: Moogle Controlling Cat Been member since; August 15, 2000 Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 03:01:2001 08:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cait Sith11: Servbot for god sakes, and don't cursing at me. Because it my opinion. sigh...... ] yeah i know, we all should respect what others think, but most of the scrubs just tell us how big and bad they r and how their Duc Do or Valle team can beat us!!! Posted by Iceman on 03:01:2001 09:13 AM: None of the above. My vote goes to Colossus. Posted by S3nTiN3L on 03:01:2001 09:21 AM: thats what i was going to say dam he kicks ass with right assists colosis is very dangerus my friend can beat my sent.,cable,cammy team with his colosis team he kicks ass and no one MvsC 3 Posted by dragonfist on 03:01:2001 09:55 AM: I have to agree. The metal maniac mutant X-man known as Colosuus is HIGHLY under rated I use him at the arcades off and on he was my Juggerenaught killer when everyone go to. Hey what about Bison? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:01:2001 10:33 AM: Sonson. Posted by Iceman on 03:01:2001 10:58 AM: Why Colossus? Give him lots of meter (Spiral/Colossus/BH). Bring him in. Activate Armor, and wreck shop. He's Magneto's nightmare. He doesn't so Storm any favors, unless Storm runs away. "...I'll string you up from a big ass tree, with a sign around your neck that says 'Whack MC'"--MC Hawking Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:01:2001 11:06 AM: I think Ken is a little. Try attacking him with pixies close up when he has supers. You can't if the Ken player has good reactions, because his Dragon Punch supers beat out any attack from close to mid range. Also I agree Colussus is another one. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by Cait Sith11 on 03:01:2001 11:39 AM: Hayato another one to come in mind. He may not work by himself will well. But with the right team, he kind of good. --------------------------- Also or Formerly known as Septmed Occupation: Moogle Controlling Cat Been member since; August 15, 2000 Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 03:01:2001 12:11 PM: i believe most underrated character in the game is BB HOOD!! she has double airjump, makes it easier for her to avoid some traps.. she is small, so she can duck like megaman under a lot of stuff her projectile KNOCKES YOU OVER, and many people don't roll out of it, thinking it's safe... her hunting super chips like HELL.. she has a nice double airjump combo.. it is REALLY easy to connect her combo into hunting super... blah blah blah.. yeep.. b.b.hood all the way. o(o.o)0 0(o.o)o ------------------ o(o.o)-0(*.0)-o if u dn't gt ths, go fc xr ttrl n pwrhg. Posted by Dasrik on 03:01:2001 12:13 PM: Hayato and Amingo can never be good. That's just the way it is. The other guys, maybe. You can make a case for Jin, Colossus, BBHood, Megaman, Tron, Venom and Gambit. But not Hayato, and not Amingo. Sorry. [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-01-2001).] Posted by EvilCapAmerica on 03:01:2001 12:13 PM: I have to go with Rogue-Strong fairly fast an air dash an easily comboable super and a high priority assist that sets up other attacks great Zangeif-Mech form can shut down pixies SPD does pretty heavy damage and his weakness to keep away while in mech form can be countered by a well timed SJ and elbow drop[i only play in mech form myself] Tronn-A great set of ground combos that either end in supers or build meter well and good strength and damage tier plus a damaging assist[although i hate glitchs myself] Posted by silenttiger on 03:01:2001 05:46 PM: I think the most underrated characters in mvc2 are: Silver Samurai Omega Red Gambit These characters can dish out lots of damage when used appropriately. I don't see them getting played alot where I'm from. I'm an avid SS player. He is in most of my teams. Knowledge = Power "A samurai lives his life with but one certainty; he must die: Posted by Dan Hibiki on 03:01:2001 06:35 PM: The Juggernaut Dan Hibiki Anyone can fight ... But no one can show off like I can! Saikyo! Justin Posted by oldirtygook on 03:01:2001 08:12 PM: Have you guys ever tried playing with Bone Claw Wolverine? I know it sounds stupid but he's alright. Not good, but very mediocre. The reason why I started messing with him was because of his variety assist, it hits low. Therefore, if you jump-in and call Wolvie, instant hit! Not very spectacular but it's funny. Do a standard air combo ending with a tornado claw (while mashing for hits of course) does OK damage. A ducking short, ducking foward, ducking fierce, jab Berserker Barrage cancel into Berserker Barrage X does GOOD damage. Just mess around with him for a while, and try not to get hit. =) Posted by Zechs on 03:01:2001 09:21 PM: Most underated characters in the game : #1 Tron Bom , she wins tournaments. #2 Collosus #3 Dan Hibiki (I can sometimes hold the machine a while with him JUST because people think he sucks and underestimate him) Beware my Snk mode Zangief! Posted by Dynamyte2U on 03:02:2001 12:41 AM: Underrated? Colossus - His Super Armor gives him a bigger advantage than people give him credit for. Also, his "s.FK, sj.WP, sj.WK, sj.WP, sj.WK xx Power Tackle" is massive. Throw in a Power Dive and You got 70% damage there. (It can kill Akuma and Bone-rine) Most people think you can just play keep-away vs Colossus because he's big and slow. However, with the right assists, and Super Armor, he is unstoppable (until he runs out of supers). Posted by mynus on 03:02:2001 02:16 AM: Most underrated? #1. Tron Bonne... with the right assist teamate she can combo into the infinite and end it with a super combo. Also she chips like hell and if you need supers, she builds them up in no time. Its to easy to combo supers with her! #2. Omega red... He has IMO the best crouch in the game for someone his size, if you use the tenticles and dashes correctly he'll never land from the air unless you take a chance to stop him, but if the opponent sees that they can tentacle you plus drain your life . in the hands of a good player he is extremely fustrating to fight against! Go to Chinatown fair and see for yourself! "That character doesn't suck; You just suck with that character." Posted by REALPLAYER on 03:02:2001 04:00 AM: Gambit Hulk Cable Posted by REALPLAYER on 03:02:2001 04:04 AM: Venom, BB Hood too. Posted by on 03:02:2001 04:43 AM: Jin Why won't it go up? Posted by Brandon Lee on 03:02:2001 05:20 AM: Omega Red- Only takes 90% damage from attacks, agile for a character his size, air dash, priority, EXCELLENT BATTERY character, nice keep away, good confusing tactics, good power. Rogue- Only takes 90% damage from attacks, good power, great speed for a strong character, ability to do a Power Drain + Fierce Punch + Goodnight Sugah Super in corners, assist sets up the supers for your teammates, good laucher, her dive kick can be effective when she follows a good ground assist. Posted by fei long on 03:02:2001 05:38 AM: umm lets see theres a few omega red collossus but i dont think anyone mentioned ruby herat yet , but she was my first character i played with alot so i favor her sometimes ~!payce out!~ if at first i beat you in battle come again so i can kick your ass again Posted by Ug the caveman on 03:02:2001 06:21 PM: Well, I'd vote for Omega Red. In fact, before the big three at the end of the TR schedule (Blackheart, Spiral and Sentinel) were released, it was pretty easy to argue that he was a solid top-tier character. Then those three came along, brought their traps with them, and screwed him up Still, he remains an excellent character in the right hands - good stamina, IMO best battery character in the game, he has excellent mobility, he's a slippery bastard and can be hard to pin down, life recovery is always handy...the list goes on, but I'm tired right now. Suffice to say that Omega Red is an excellent stalling character - it takes a long time to put him out of commission, and all the while he's building meter and eating up time. Oh, and his throw assist can be handy to many characters (Storm comes to mind). Posted by Manic on 03:03:2001 01:07 AM: Omega Red is a hella good battery, and Ryu is the original PIMP. PEACE OUT Posted by Terazon on 03:05:2001 09:59 AM: The most drastically underrated character in the game aside from Megaman is Amingo. Dasrik is wrong, I'm sorry. Amingo's got only 3 weaknesses [asside from a few traps]. 1]A lack of anti-air defence. I'm assuming he doesen't have a level of super in which case unless he uses his alternate punch launcher [df+hp] or his hk Amingo has no way to "personally" stop it. 2]Lacks any projectiles Then again, he can counter or stuff most of them easily. 3]Sorry Team Dynamic. His DHC capabilities [into it] and assists are average at best. This is both a strength and a weakness. Put 2 characters that are awesome together with him and use him as a probe to expose their strategy. Now you can work them more easily with the other 2. His strengths are monsterous. like... 1]His moves have massive reach making it easy to stop almost anyone from rushing you down. I've killed so many Cammy, Guile, Akumas, Cables, Iceman, Cyclops, and Magneto players with him it's rediculous. And this is a partial list. 2]Mix up games with air [hk /lk,hk,/2lk] By varying the depth at which you press the button the victim has to guess how much they must block high. Guess wrong and it's time to destroy a respectable amount of health off the d+lk that follows. 3]Immense speed of ducking lk and other strikes Basically, I can beat Wolverine [and almost every pixie] to the punch with this as the match starts everytime. Only Strider to my knowledge is faster. Better yet it flows far too easily into combos. 4]Low recovery time on most key moves. 5]Excellent battery Character With little need for his supers, they can be saved for better characters. Remember He isn't exactly tournament winning, but he's a serious threat and easy to underestimate. 6]The Vineblade [Sun's blessing] Faster startup than an AHVB. So fast it can pinish even lp and lk. The reasons it's nowhere near as dangerous are that the range is poorer. I've thrown a jab and still blocked the AHVB. That wouldn't have happened if I had jumped on Amingo if he did it. The screen turns blue and the blade starts moving simultaneously. Jumping on him unsupported is suicide. Worse yet, see what happens when paired up with Doom and Blackheart Beta. 7]Underestimation Factor It's fun for me to see people attempt to play me with him and expect an easy win only to walk away claiming I was cheap because I work them so bad. It's so funny! 8]Mind games The lk dashball if blocked recovers 2 frames before the opponent leaves guardstun. This means anyone who attacks him afterwards will be beaten to the punch and punished. There is no difference between the appearance of this and the fierce one. The amount of players I've done this to making them open up and try to retalliate against it only to have them get raped for it is impossible for me to count. 9]Totally Expendable He decimates so severely on his own that as long as he's paired with the right characters and the right assists, you can attack savagely and figure out their strategy with him. Then wreck as much havoc as you can, and even if he accidentally dies all the super energy he built up for say Cable with Ironman/ Doom/ Cyclops/ Psylocke anti-air or worse yet Strider Doom-b will make the unnerved opponent [if you used Amingo right so few people can] have a horrible deficit and you have a large stack of supers to play with. This will make it easier for the opponent to make stupid errors they wouldn't otherwise and die miserably. Better still you now know their strategy. I almost always either start with or end with him if he's in my team. Here are the most underrated characters 1]Megaman [with Doom-a & Jin-b] 2]Amingo y[with Doom b & Blackheart b] 3]Hulk b[with Ironman-b and Cable]1* 4]BB Hood[paired with Cable and SonSon heal and rigged for a fatal triple team off Cable's hp] 1*Only an extremely shrewd, extremely good player can make Hulk work in this. DO NOT SEPARATE HULK FROM IRONMAN. I shudder at how much worse Hulk gets with him. Otherwise he falls back down to the bottom of the 3rd tier [out of 5]. Posted by Blind Biatch's pimp on 03:05:2001 10:15 AM: Terazon: You from Calgary right. Any chance of you showing up at the U of C. I still disagree with you about amingo but maybe you can change my mind Posted by Terazon on 03:05:2001 10:15 AM: I savagely disagree with Dasrik concerning Amingo. Here's my list. 1]Megaman [with Doom-a & Jin-a/b] 2]Amingo [with Doom & Blackheart Beta] 3]BB Hood [with Cable & Sonson] 4]Hulk [with Ironman B and Cable a/b/] 5]Felicia [with Storm/Silver Samurai and Sentinel.]. I wrote a massive post on why I believe Amingo is savagely underestimated but the dam thing wasn't inserted into the site and I do not feel like writing all that info over again. Most un-cool. Posted by Blind Biatch's pimp on 03:05:2001 06:40 PM: Yeah but those are just words. I have to see it to believe it. Posted by Jin1 on 03:05:2001 07:13 PM: I think venom and Jin are really under rated Posted by LordLocke on 03:05:2001 09:51 PM: My vote goes to Venom. The guy takes 90%, he's FAST and MOBILE, he can cover the screen quickly. He breaks any trap but Strider/Doom on point with the Venom Fang, and his Alpha assist is still one of the best rushdown-boosters in the game, on par with Beta Doom in that respect. His throw is a free super, and he's got the highest-priority non-projectile normals in the game, with his Fierce and Roundhouse variants. A-Venom/B-Iron Man/G-Sentinal. Damn scary. It's almost evil how much A-Venom can add to a Flying Sentinal rush-down, and visa versa with how well Sentinal's drones can clear the way for a Venom Fang against Spiral or Blackheart. I think Cap A is pretty damn underrated too, but that's for another day. Unlike these two, Omega Red's power is at least recognized by all... It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! Posted by Terazon on 03:06:2001 01:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Blind Biatch's pimp: Terazon: You from Calgary right. Any chance of you showing up at the U of C. I still disagree with you about amingo but maybe you can change my mind This is highly possible although I'm probably a little rusty at this game now. [I've been studying for a certification exam with as much obsession as I have for playing this game]. We will most likely meet and I can show you this. Just be careful with every character you see someone use. They can be alot better with that character than people realize. If your Email address is in the bar there I will contact you using it to tell you when I'll be there. I usually play at Eau-Claire as it costs less. You know, thinking back on last night and when I posted the list I just made, I remembered alot of other characters that are drastically underrated. And since only a few characters have any chance of giving Hulk any respectable chance of an easy victory, I'm changing my list completely. 1]Megaman [with Doom B abd Jin b/a] 2]Amingo y [with Doom b and Blackheart B] 3]BB Hood 4]Ironman b[with Cable and Blackheart B] 5]Silver Samurai[with Storm and Sentinel y / Thanos capture]. The thing I like the most about this game is the fact there are so many possible teams and team variations. It's far too easy to have underrated characters in such an awesome game. 3 characters to a team [56x55x54]=166,320 possible teams. Once assists are involved there are 9 times as many for a grand total of 1,496,880 possible combinations. People will be trying to figure out this game till the cows come home. Because of this variety it gives you the power to play any kind of game you want and still have a good shot at success as long as you're smart about it. In a game like this almost nothing can be concidered cheap if anything can be viewed as cheap at all. This is why I like this game just as much as I liked Street Fighter in it's hayday. Hey! Dasrik! I may have come on too strong concerning what you said about Amingo earlier. 98% of the times I saw something from you I have agreed with it. Don't take it to heart and I hope I didn't offend you. I still disagree with you though [This message has been edited by Terazon (edited 03-05-2001).] Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 04:39 AM: Terazon: It's OK, I rethought what I said and it occured to me that I've never seen anyone who actually knew what they were doing use Amingo. I tried to use Y-Amingo early in the game, because of his defense up assist mostly, but (1) that plant lands too far away from your point character and (2) i always got trapped with Amingo because he was too big. I still stand behind what I said about Hayato though. I have yet to meet a Hayato player who can do anything to me. Anyhow... the thing about MvC2 is that it's a team game. Some underrated people can actually hang if placed in the right team. That's the thought behind Duc's team Instant Kill (Baby Bonnie Hood/Juggernaut/Hulk) - Juggy and especially Hulk seem to be sore spots on the team, but they seldom come into play because one mistake or one helper call will lead to death, and BBH can actually hold her own defense wise. I know my share of underrated teams. People around here will play certain teams remarkably well. Especially my brother - here are some of his best teams: A-Marrow/B-Silver Samurai/Y-Sentinel A-Wolverine/A-Gambit/Y-Bonerine B-Guile/B-Charlie/A-Baby Bonnie Hood A-Wolverine/Y-Sentinel/Y-Bonerine Except for the Marrow team, all these teams work because my brother is a very rushdown oriented and dynamic player, and he either gets wins by totally bumrushing the player when he tries to do anything (the Double Wolvy teams) or pinning the enemy in the corner with slow projectiles and high priority jump-ins (Guile/Charlie/BBH). The Marrow team works because Marrow can rush, build meter, and kill all helpers on sight once she reaches three levels... So I do have my share of underrated teams... Posted by Blind Biatch's pimp on 03:06:2001 05:00 AM: Terazon: No my email isn't on the bar there. I like playing at the University a lot. The technician takes really good care of the arcade and the joysticks 360s and always in really good shape. CvS even has the secret characters nakoruru/morrigan and akuma (thanks to me). U should come down to the University on Friday afterschool. That's probably the best time to play. Posted by Akuma666 on 03:06:2001 10:23 AM: Underrated=Ryu Really Underrated=Dan --Shoryuken! Posted by Megaman on 03:06:2001 10:51 AM: Jin Sonson Amingo Ken Servbot Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 08:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Akuma666: Underrated=Ryu Ryu sucks. quote: Really Underrated=Dan *sigh* At least no one's mentioned Hayato... yet. Posted by Roo_Matthew on 03:06:2001 11:55 PM: I would say Amingo.........for the simple fact that his launcher to air combo are the easiest in the game. Besides, his taunt is awesome!! Posted by Roo_Matthew on 03:06:2001 11:56 PM: Amingo....for the simple fact that he has the easiest launcher, air combo in the game. You GOTTA love that taunt. Whats Up Milwaukee!!!! Posted by Jinmaster on 03:07:2001 03:01 AM: The most **underused** character based on their ability and potential is Ruby Heart, in my opinion. The most **underrated** character based on where she should be ranked is Chun-li, in my opinion. Terazon, A lot of what you said about Amingo doesn't hold true in top level play. I'll go through your post: "1]His moves have massive reach making it easy to stop almost anyone from rushing you down. I've killed so many Cammy, Guile, Akumas, Cables, Iceman, Cyclops, and Magneto players with him it's rediculous. And this is a partial list." reply: His C.short has good priority and has range, and his S.fierce has good range, but S.short is only going to land on players who are not patient enough to block and push him off or call an anti-air assist intelligently. I've rarely had an S.fierce poke do well against anyone who matters. "2]Mix up games with air [hk /lk,hk,/2lk] By varying the depth at which you press the button the victim has to guess how much they must block high. Guess wrong and it's time to destroy a respectable amount of health off the d+lk that follows." reply: The simple solutions to this are A)Immediately push-block B)Call an AAA C)Jump up and block, push if desired "3]Immense speed of ducking lk and other strikes Basically, I can beat Wolverine [and almost every pixie] to the punch with this as the match starts everytime. Only Strider to my knowledge is faster. Better yet it flows far too easily into combos." reply: Even if his short beats every other short in the game, he does not have the proper tools to rush down any well-designed team. How can Amingo get in on any team that fills the screen with stuff? "4]Low recovery time on most key moves." reply: That's becuase his big moves are only useful in combos and situations where he cannot be AHVBed such as on a jump-in. "5]Excellent battery Character With little need for his supers, they can be saved for better characters. Remember He isn't exactly tournament winning, but he's a serious threat and easy to underestimate." reply: That is a weakness, if you think about it as it realtes to how a team should work. Even the best battery in the game(Spiral) has a way to burn meter via Metamorph combos and Speedup traps. If the game ever comes down to just him without assists, he has the exact same strat which doesn't work against people who are patient: slower-than-and-less-effective-than-magneto-rushdown. "6]The Vineblade [Sun's blessing] Faster startup than an AHVB. So fast it can pinish even lp and lk. The reasons it's nowhere near as dangerous are that the range is poorer. I've thrown a jab and still blocked the AHVB. That wouldn't have happened if I had jumped on Amingo if he did it. The screen turns blue and the blade starts moving simultaneously. Jumping on him unsupported is suicide. Worse yet, see what happens when paired up with Doom and Blackheart Beta." reply: You are using his kick super to DP jump-ins? That is suicide and a waste of meter if they block it, as far as I know. It sounds like your competition either isn't very good or doesn't use AAA's effectively. "7]Underestimation Factor It's fun for me to see people attempt to play me with him and expect an easy win only to walk away claiming I was cheap because I work them so bad. It's so funny!" reply: Against typical mall scrubs Amingo can clean up shop, but it has a lot more to do with priority and people playing for fun against him than it does with Amingo actually be useful in trully competitive play. Amingo has no answer to any top team I listed on the first few pages of my "Jin Teaches MvC2 thread". "8]Mind games The lk dashball if blocked recovers 2 frames before the opponent leaves guardstun. This means anyone who attacks him afterwards will be beaten to the punch and punished. There is no difference between the appearance of this and the fierce one. The amount of players I've done this to making them open up and try to retalliate against it only to have them get raped for it is impossible for me to count." reply: Well, most quality players have either seen or heard of his quasi-infnite of dash-ball OTG short. The properties are obvious. You are just as likely to stick a short out and eat a Cyclops or Psylocke AAA for your trouble against such players. "9]Totally Expendable He decimates so severely on his own that as long as he's paired with the right characters and the right assists, you can attack savagely and figure out their strategy with him. Then wreck as much havoc as you can, and even if he accidentally dies all the super energy he built up for say Cable with Ironman/ Doom/ Cyclops/ Psylocke anti-air or worse yet Strider Doom-b will make the unnerved opponent [if you used Amingo right so few people can] have a horrible deficit and you have a large stack of supers to play with. This will make it easier for the opponent to make stupid errors they wouldn't otherwise and die miserably. Better still you now know their strategy. I almost always either start with or end with him if he's in my team." reply: Not to be too mean, but the fact that you can throw him away makes me suspicous about your team dynamics. You don't "savagely attack", people who have Cyclops or Ken or Psylocke or Commando or Setinel or anyone with with invinciblity frames for an assist. I don't really mean for this to be a flame. I see you like Amigo and you are tyring to be good with other characters and I'm all for that. Just know that experience shows that most of your strategy involves tricks that no one will fall for more than once. So it's not something to rely on just like Duc would never rely on his "team shoto" to win at B5. So take it easy and keep practicing. -Micah Posted by Terazul on 03:07:2001 03:49 AM: Dan Jin and Silver Samurai Posted by strider_hien on 03:07:2001 06:24 AM: I think the 2 most underrated characters are Dan, and M.Bison. Dan's Fireball MAY be pathetic, but i've heard that his level 3 super is supposed to deal the most damage. But.......i ALSO heard that you can tech. hit out of it. M.bison is DEFINATELY under rated, i use him a bit, and people always humour me for it. Some players play me like i'm a scrub when i use him. But by the time they find out that i can play pretty good with him, 2 of his characters are gone, and he's left with my full team Posted by NJames on 03:07:2001 07:35 AM: Mega Man. Especially backed by Ken's Anti-Air Assist, he can rain terror and also break up a lot of traps, including Spiral's. Ken's also hugely underrated. His launcher combo takes off 50 to 90 percent depending on the character and times the final move hits, Air-to-ground Shouryureppa combo takes off a good 30, and his Shippu Jinrai Kyaku takes off well over 50 when you get 20 hits out of it. I'm also developing something really nasty with Juggy, the jury's still out on that how it will be effective. -NJS- Posted by Terazon on 03:19:2001 03:27 AM: Jinmaster Thank you for some of the criticism. Since you are one of the top players in the States, and have access to real competition. Since I am a Calgarian who rarely does it's way easier for you to meet with good players. Amingo still is a very good character and easily and drastically underestimated. I wouldn't want to be staring across at someone else who knows how to use him as well as me. [Actually, I would I'd like the challenge. It's part of why I alost always win with him.] Posted by Blind Biatch's pimp on 03:19:2001 04:11 AM: Terazon: I'm sure there's some people at the University who can give your Amingo a good show. When you coming down? Posted by AzN_Skater on 03:19:2001 09:09 AM: most underrated: gotta be IBZ (mecha-zangief/iron body gief) why? cuz his lariat assist is freakin ultimate when paired with rushdown storm, sent flying stuff, and mag rushdown! Posted by UnCauzi on 03:19:2001 12:06 PM: Omega Red, is mad underrated as a rush down I think he's very versatile especially with a decent assist to cover his omega strike traps. UnCauzi Posted by cheese_master on 03:19:2001 02:30 PM: Some of the umderrated characters in my opinion and why: Omega Red-- Very good battery character. Very useful guard breaks for pseudo rushdowns, and easy infinites to start once mastered. Weaknesses: Cable, runaway Storm, and needs good assists to help him survive and waste time. Colossus-- Time consuming character that has ridiculous damage capabilities. A good character to burn supers with and time. Guard stuns give good cornering and grounding ability, and kills Sentinel easily with decent back-up. Weaknesses: Cable, runaway Storm (these two are getting redundant, so I'll mention when they aren't weaknesses), Spiral (her swords are pretty difficult for him to get past with or without assists) when you don't have the lead... well he doesn't much chip damage so that probably won't stop someone from turtling. Rubyheart-- Spiral killer... need I say more, oh and she works well with the guard stuns and Doom rocks. She can chip real well... her rushdown tactics with the right assists make her a formidible force. Weaknesses: Too linear... or one track minded... what makes a top tier character is its ability change its style of play to counter the opponent... Doom is versitile... making him top tier... every good players will pretty much expect the Ruby Heart Doom trap... but since it is not as foolproof Strider Doom... it makes her vunerable (of course this my opinion). Dhalsim: Consider this guy like Strider.... with a little more lag time and no Oroburos. But his incredible air manueverability is right up there with Sentinel, Mag, and Storm. Once you master his moves you can see his potential... example: call out Doom and teleport behind and punch to keep the opponent in guard stun till rocks hit and then triangle jump and Yoga Nugi and mash like crazy. He has great potential... but is very delicate in his usage... I mean to hang with the top tiers you have to be perfect with him. He also works great to build supers. Weaknesses: Low vitality... like Strider... so you have to work to preserve him. Runaway Storm and Dhalsim is a close match... but I think a good Dhalsim player could handle a runaway Storm. Cable and him are a close call... Dhalsim cannot make any mistakes here such as a mistimed teleport. Sentinel... but only because... one must be careful because of three hit super armor. Ironman... if he isn't considered top tier... reason... infinite. Anakaris: This guy is one of my favs... but he only good if played perfectly and teamed up perfectly. He has arguably the most damaging air combo in the game. His close up game is a very good mixup. He dishs out damage nearly to the Colossus, Jug, Sentinel level. With the right assists... his combos become very painful. His cornering game can cause very good mind games. His moves build meter quick.... especially that throw. Weaknesses: He takes more damage than Bonerine and Akuma. If the other person is playing Cable... don't play Anakaris... go for someone else. His moves have too much lag time. He is the easiest person in the game to guard break. Considering the amount of damage he takes, he is also the perfect combo size unlike others in his damage class. These are my personal choices on underrated characters and why... feel free to give feedback. Posted by Valentine on 03:19:2001 10:52 PM: Jill Valentine Cammy Posted by strider_hien on 03:20:2001 03:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Valentine: Jill Valentine Cammy I don't think Cammy is underated, she's quite good, and a lot of people up here in canada use her. I think Jill is more underated than Cammy Posted by threeRd on 03:20:2001 06:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: The Marrow team works because Marrow can rush, build meter, and kill all helpers on sight once she reaches three levels... Okay, I'll bite. I'd dropped Marrow early in the game, but now I'm interested again, *especially* after reading this statement. How can Marrow kill helpers? Bone Burst? She can't link them together can she? threeRd Posted by GRANDDANdaMAN on 03:20:2001 10:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dan Hibiki: The Juggernaut Dan Hibiki ayyyyyyyyyy i'm glad to see another Dan well the most underated character has to be Dan the man. I love whuppin ass with Dan and his taunt can build up the meter very fast, launch,lp,lk,lp,lk,dankukaiuuuuuuuu TAunt!!!! <IMG SRC=""> Anyone can fight ... But no one can show off like I can! Saikyo! Justin Posted by threeRd on 03:21:2001 06:01 AM: No, seriously, how can Marrow kill helpers? If anybody knows, feel free to share... threeRd Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:21:2001 10:09 AM: Well I have to say using Strider alone.(Without Doom) Alot of people don't think it's good but I do and do well with my team. Marrow's bone crush can be done in a combo. Lp,lk,lp,c.fp,cancel into Bone crush(as fast as possible) or the bone knife throw thing. One of the most underrated charcters as of now would have to be Jin, Wolverine(Both), and Jill. People think Jin sucks but he's much improved since MVC1. Although wolverine has been toned down(ALOT) but he's still fast as hell and can do infinites pretty easily as well as connect Weapon X in a combo. I think people just don't use Jill enough. She's pretty fast real strong and has good combos with the ability to link all but one of her supers. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by mousseduck on 03:22:2001 11:25 AM: I'm gonna have to go with Jin and Rogue for my characters. Jin is my pick for the most improved person from MVC, especially for his Anti-Air assist. Also with a couple of his normals that go through super armor, his ability to rushdown the opponent and chip at the same time, plus supers for all occasions, and his power, (and not too bad size wise) and you have a VERY underrated character. Rogue is also very underrated for a little different reason. She, like Jin, can dish out and take damage really well, especially when she has her speed or power, or defense ups going. The air dash is great for rushdown, as is the dive kick. Add a easily comboable super, that wonderful and unblockable kiss, and a beautiful set-up assist (her throw assist, gamma I believe), and you have another character that people should spend more time on. With the right assists helping them, they can take on almost any team. [This message has been edited by mousseduck (edited 03-21-2001).] [This message has been edited by mousseduck (edited 03-21-2001).] Posted by DragoonSeifer on 03:22:2001 03:40 PM: it's got to be dan, dhalsim, and anakaris. Posted by strider2k on 03:22:2001 04:39 PM: i agree w/ anakaris. i think he's second tier. Posted by Blitz on 03:22:2001 06:50 PM: I think it's Ruby Heart and Omega Red. When I got mvc2 that was one of the first people I started messing around with. She is strong as hell, takes damage well, has easily comboable supers, has abusable specials and normals, Ruby is really such an excellent character. Her sublimation alone as an assist or special has great recovery, and chips decent, and I think it has trap potential. Try continuously dashing in and sweeping with that half screen whip of hers and sublimation while calling out blackheart. I tell you, it's a kick in the pants. She can combo anything off of her fierce punch, and she has some of the flashiest combos I've ever seen. One is J.Fierce, J.Rhouse, d.s.jab, s.short, s.strong, s.fierce, Flan Mer(1 hit) aim down, c. short, Partenaire. Or you could just AC into another Flan Mer. My favorite corner combo which always gets looks is J.fierce, J.Rhouse, d.s.jab, s.short, s.forward(two hits), s.fierce, c.rhouse, rhouse sublimation, da.j.(dashing, jumping, not double jump, I dunno how I'd say it.)jab, j.short, j.fierce, j.rhouse, schwartzalle XX Flan Mer, forward, then straight up. then if you have a nice dhc like storm, it just gets nastier. NOBODY uses her, and she's such a good character. I've never seen a ruby player in my life. . . and I've seen anakaris players. Omega Red would dominate so badly in this game if it wasn't for the beamers. His stamina is great, he can duck under a sonic boom people! His burrowing coils are anti assist, just keep doing df+rhouse, into short omega strike, retract and continue while calling out assist. No more Icebeam. By the way, omega destroyer at point blank beats the living crap out of assists. so have your anti air force a dashing magneto to block after calling out cammy, dash, and omega destroyer, Mags should still be in blockstun, and cammy should be right next to you taunting. Whip it good. The few Omega Red users I've seen never use the double coil slam, even when there's no energy to drain. It's so nice to see magneto slammed back and forth across the screen. Omega's ACs are awesome, I can do an 18 hit in the corner, and I heard somewhere on the boards you can AC into Carbonadium smasher but I have no idea how, I didn't know it was possible. Come on though, It's Omega Red! Government weapon too good to let die? I'd pick him just cos he's cool. Russian death machine. Don't hate the player. . . hate the game. Posted by MagicChef on 03:24:2001 12:09 PM: I'm gonna say it... Hayato. He deals some nice damage, he takes it fairly well. He is a delay character.. meaning you cannot mash buttons, or jump in haphazardly like a strider player. He is finesse. Spiderman is also pretty underrated. speed and power.. and damn his priority! Posted by Bruton on 03:24:2001 02:40 PM: I think Rogue and Iceman are a bit underrated for higher level play. Iceman is considered very scrubby, but he's a great character. People say "Oh you can chip him with Doom rocks or Spiral knives", and dismiss him. I think he's worth a lot more than that. His icebeam assists stops a LOT of other assists in the game... for instance, if somebody calls Doom rocks, you call Iceman and it stops Doom. If somebody's in the way, they get chipped by it. So for instance, against Strider/Doom, you can stop Doom so you can get away from Strider, or Strider might block/get hit which is good too. It a good, fast assist against Sentinel drones. Any team with Doom on it, if you can work it so that Iceman goes up against Doom, you can easily hold leads just so long as you avoid assists. It also feels a lot easier to get a lead against Cable and run with him. Rogue is very good at crossing up vertically. Hammer anybody with no anti-air by J.D.RK(dive). One main thing is her throw assist. Go offensive with Cable and a crossup, and they die if they get kissed. I don't think Collossus is THAT under-rated. Hyper Armour startup means he can't block... so if you play him point against Cable or something, Cable can AHVB him. Others can throw him, and some of them(like Magneto, Iceman, probably Venom) can snapback him to screw that further. At the very least, most people can hit A1/A2. ServBot's also slightly underrated. I'm still seeing some slight potential with Gamma ServBot and Spiral/Sentinel and to a lesser extent, Spiral/Doom. -Bruton Posted by Terazon on 03:25:2001 06:44 AM: There are only 2 reasons I haven't played you yet. 1]If I don't buckle down and study more I will in effect be throwing away over a thousand dollars. The content of the exams will change really soon for the A+ service technician tests. I have to pass the second and final test before all the content changes this week. 2]THIS FUCKING TRANSIT STRIKE. Okay, This is the main reason. I rely almost exclusively on Calgary Transit. Without it I can't get anywhere or do anything. I can't even make it to the arcade to play and practice now either. I hope these assholes at CT and the city both get their act together soon. This blows something fierce. I can't wait to play some people again yourself included and this dammed strike is infuriating . I can't wait to have a few friendly games with you at this. As a side note, I found a new team combination and I'm in love with it. I'm also retiring Amingo as Strider just walked in with Doom and my new favorite character Blackheart. Here are my favorite characters... 1]Blackheart-B [Megaman a/b Tie] 3]Strider-B 4]Doom-B [Hulk-b, Cable-a/b, Amingo-y(dashball).] Strider, Doom, Blackheart[All Beta]. Why the hell did I not do this sooner. I view this foolishness on my part inexcusable and baffling. Oh well, that's life. Posted by Amdabes on 03:25:2001 07:36 AM: Sakura!! If youve never seen Gonzo play Sakura then youve never really seen the true power of Sakura. Also, Magneto, everyone thinks he sucks but he's actually pretty good. j/p. Hey man, you died before I could Finish my combo! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:25:2001 09:41 AM: Dhalsim: Yeah, he's a 2nd tier anyway, but I think he really is something to be dealt with. His runaway is more powerful than what's it's been given credit for. It's almost as bad as a Gambit glitch, and it's even easier to execute. Throw in an assist (Yoga Flame) that juggles long enough to go get a snack, come back to the machine, and still combo the opponent, and I think he's a force to be reckoned with. Sakura: deserves a promotion to lower 2nd tier. An assist that provides a moving shield for several seconds is the main reason why. Throw in a ground hurricane that beats armor and covers massive space. Put a ground controlling projectile assist behind her, and she kicks some ass. Most Underutilized: Anakaris: He deserves his spot in the 3rd tier right now, but there's a lot to this character that we haven't even scratched the surface on. Things to take notice of: (1) Pharoah's curse resets the combo meter. This means that "Curse Infinites" don't damage scale, and don't dizzy. There's more than just the 1 infinite, people. (Hint: y-Spiral, b-Dhalsim) (2) Guardbreak into infinite. Nuff said. (3) Hyper Sarcaphagus drop is a full screen super that kills helpers very well, especially with a DHC at the end. It can be done in the air, and all his specials Hyper-cancel into it. (4) superjumping short and roundhouse each have a half screen range, vertically and horizontally, respectively. Good air to air skillz. (5) His best solo air combo is 40+% damage, and builds nearly a full level of HC meter. (6) Pharoah Illusion is the most damaging level 1 super in the game, maxing out at about 90 points of damage. That's only 10 points less than Dan's level 3 suicide super. ...and it's comboable. (7) His Asp Rush Super does about the same amount of damage to a helper that Silver Samurai's Lightning Super does. D.H.C. Ok, I'm out. -DFA Posted by Esthar SD on 03:25:2001 10:52 AM: mega man,felica,jill,charlie, silver sumarai and omega red and ruby Posted by Esthar SD on 03:25:2001 10:54 AM: mega man,felica,jill,charlie, silver sumarai and omega red and ruby All times are GMT. 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